Sunday, September 26, 2004

Napolean Dynamite

Three and One Half Stars

I've heard critics chirping about this film for a few months now. I'd wanted to see it, but hadn't had the chance. When it came up on the list of in-room movies at the hotel, we decided this was our chance.

Napolean Dynamite lived up to every desctiption of a bizzare, quirky film. The format was very unorthodox, almost like a mockumentary, but without the narration and direct shot cinematography. After being completly dissarmed by the style of the film, you become immediatly involved with the charecters. Thier progression is slow, but boredome never becomes a factor as the stange and unique happenings of this little Idaho town (shot entirely on location) keep you mesmerized. You can't realy define whether plot development is a factor becasue there really is no plot, it's almost a video diary you follow.

Come with an open mind and readiness to laugh at others' missfortunes and you'll likely enjoy "Dynamite".


At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this movie. It is one of those that when you watch it for the first time you think it is strangely amusing but the more times you watch it the more you enjoy it. I can't help but quote lines from the movie and it gets funnier every time I see it


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