Monday, December 20, 2004

Cinema Treasures: The Tower Theatre

After reviewing Zelary I was whisked back to the experience of watching the movie at the Tower Theatre. It was such a unique experience that I felt I needed to blog about it. The tower is the oldest movie theater still functioning (in it's original or subsequent roll) in Salt Lake City. It has a character and flavor all it's own. The single screen is probably roughly 20 feet wide and 15 feet tall. The Tower closes in the summer because there is no air conditioning.

Built in 1926 the structure is rather old while the auditorium interior is quite plush with new seating and a refinished floor. In addition the tower sports "dts" surround sound presentations. The most unique trait of this theater is the stage at the front of the auditorium. It's part of a vanishing breed of theaters that have little or no need for such a platform. However that stage makes The Tower an ideal location for the annual showing of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" replete with a simultaneous live performance on stage.

A movie at The Tower is an experience to be treasured though it should also taken with a grain of salt. You may need to put your political views aside for a couple hours while you enjoy the unique films that grace the screen here. The staff wins you over easily. They give you the feeling that you're being invited in their personal viewing room in exchange for purchasing a ticket.


Three Stars

My wife coaxed me out to a little old theater called the Tower on the outskirts of the University of Utah campus to see "Zelary". "Zelary" is an eye opening look at life in WWII Czechoslovakia. Our heroine volunteers to help a resistance movement against the governing Nazi's from time to time and after nearly exposing herself on one mission, is spirited away to the countryside to avoid capture and death. The majority of the film follows her adaptation to a new life with a new identity.

This is a remarkably well made movie. The writers and directors weave an incredibly intricate tale of a budding romance that grows from a forced marriage and the ascimilation into life in the mountainous back country of Czechoslovakia. The characters are the lifeblood of this movie. The focus is on the people, their travails and this fascinating look into their lives. Equally stunning is the beautiful countryside that frames this film and grandeur captured though some excellent cinematography.

Zelary failed me most of all in the conclusion. It was not implausible but out of character and seemingly concocted last minute out of necessity. It was such a leap from the previous two hours and so brief that it seemed like it would have been more worthwhile to exclude the last two minutes entirely.

The only other major point of contention is the graphic nature of the film. It is not for the light hearted, even though the love story would draw such viewers. There were repeated rape attempts, most quite gratuitous and very poignant. They were realistic enough to make my stomach churn. This film would bear an "R" rating in The States and is not for the faint of heart.

Bear in mind that there is no english spoken in Zelary however subtitles are provided. Reading subtitles is second nature to me but I know that it bothers some people so be aware of that small fact.

Coming Soon

Reviews for:
  • Anchorman
  • 40th Anniversary Marry Poppins
  • and straight from Czechoslovakia: Zelary

Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Incredibles

Four Stars
Craig T. Nelson

Wow, this is by far my favorite movie of the year. I completly disagree with the main stream critics who are calling this film too long and a sub par Pixar film. This movie is second only to the first Toy Story in my opinion. My review of Finding Nemo sounds like a main stream critis review of the incredibles and vice versa.

I couldn't bear for this movie to end. It was Eye candy, a compelling and enthralling story that made you want to stand up and cheer for the good guys. It was fascinating to watch these superheros in mundane day to day roles and liberating to watch them spread thier wings. I can't recomend this movie highly enough.

National Treasure

Two and One Half Stars

Plot holes everywhere, implausabilities abound, truth is stretched, but a fun to watch mystery. A.K.A. Typical Jerry Bruckhiemer film. Reccomend you go see it. If they had put a cork in the "funny man" I would have given this movie three stars.

The Big Bounce

One Star

Blatant sexuality kills any charm in this film. Plot is so bloated you can't follow the mystery for all the twists. You just watch it being ground up and then "Voila!" Mystery solved. Kinda like watching hot dogs being made.

Bruce Almighty

Two Stars

Attempt at a MASK sequal without the sequal. Jim Carrey run amock but the story gets in the way. Err wait. Story runs amock but Jim Carrey gets in the way. Morgan Freeman is definatly miscast, although the concept of God being a black man is both humorous and thought provoking. Humm. Jennifer Anniston is hot in this film.

The Book of Mormon Movie

Zero Stars

Horrible movie. Rock bottom production values. Didn't deserve to make it to big screeon on it's own merit. I'm a Mormon and I wouldn't watch this movie, why would you?