THX 1138
Two and One Half Stars
Robert Duvall
Since learning of Geoge Lucas' directorial debut "THX 1138" in high school, I have wanted to see it. It has not been until the advent of DVD's and the subsuquent popularity of "Special Editions" that this has been possible. Now that I have taken in this film, trying to describe it is almost insurmountable.
To call it "Orwellean" is an understatement. THX 1138 encompases the themes of evey story from "1984" to "Fahrenhiet 451" and everything in between. Lucas himself describes it as a "documentary from the future." Adapting his award winning USC student film, THX 1138 - 4EB, George Lucas directs his first feature film under the auspices of Francis Copolla and "American Zopetrope." He creates a tale of an unspecifed time in the future when the economy and efficency dominate the world motivations and the populaitons of the earth have moved underground. Controlled by mandatory drug use, the peoples of the earth are assigned partners, jobs and are policed by androids.
This film is at once fascinating to watch and incredibly boaring. I give it extra credit for it's historical context (a Lucas and American Zopetrope first) however, and watching Robert Duvall was never more fun that it is in this film. I have never seen him so young on film! I've always appreciated his talent, but in this film, he is the reason to keep watching. Visually, he is stunning. His brow appears chiseled, it's flat across the top of eyes and angles sharply upward at the outside (a feture you don't notice when he has hair) giving him an other-worldly quality. He captures you attention with an expression and holds your interest as you try to interpret what his character is thinking.
If you decide to tackle "THX 1138" I would recomend getting the newly released Special Edition from Warner Brothers with an accompanying disc of bonus material. The explanatoins that Luscas offers help to clear the fog on the more confusing aspects of the movie. And for those who have taken in the "Making of an Empire" bonus featurette on the "Star Wars Trilogy" DVD release: There is a fascinating look deep into the history of "American Zopetrope" and U.S. Movie Studios in the 70's which the Star Wars featurette touches on breifly.
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